Below you can find the notes/presentation of the ASTR-8300 course
1) Introduction – Intro_ASTR-830
2) Interstellar Medium – ISM
3) Dust – Dust_2
4) Sub-mm Galaxies – Dusty_submm_Galaxies
5) HII Regions – HII_regions
6) Cosmic Rays (2 lectures) – CosmicRays
7) Galactic Magnetic Field – MagneticFields
8) Virial Theorem and Stability of Molecular Clouds – MolecularClouds_stability
9) Jeans Instability – Jeans_Instability
10) Proto-stellar Evolution – ProtoStars
11) Star formation in the Milky Way – Stars_in_Galaxies
12) Star formation along the Hubble Sequence – StarFormation_HubbleSequence
13) Star Formation at high Redshift – StarFormation_PopIII